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Mill Hill Village Cricket Club annual subs announcement

Mill Hill Village Cricket Club annual subs announcement

David Hickey25 Apr 2024 - 11:55

Membership this year includes match fees, a new sponsored club shirt and use of the nets

Mill Hill Village Cricket Club can confirm the costs of an annual membership subscription for 2024.

Full Club Membership
£300 all-in for the season.

This includes
- ALL matches (Saturdays, Sundays, Midweek, T20s, etc), if selected
- new club shirt, sponsored by Ava Waves Juries Ltd
- use of the club’s brand-new state-of-the-art net facilities at no extra cost at organised sessions or by arrangement
- full voting rights

Player Membership
The alternative is the Player Membership, a “pay as you play” option.
- £20 per league match
- £15 per Sunday match
- £10 per other friendlies
- £5 per T20 match
- £5 per net session

Please note that only full club members will be entitled to a free club shirt, sponsored by Ava Waves Juries Ltd. Those with a Playing Membership can purchase one at a discounted rate.

Membership subscriptions are one of Mill Hill Village Cricket Club's main sources of income and are crucial to the successful running of the club. The club thanks those who have already paid for this season.

Club membership fees are payable in full by May 31.

Pay by online bank transfer:
Account name: Mill Hill Village Sports Club
Bank: HSBC
Sort code: 400507
Account no: 91443135

Please let your captain know once paid.

Mill Hill Village also invites new members to join our club regardless of cricketing experience, ability or age.

We are interested in hearing from cricketers of all standards and ages for the following:
:: four Saturday adult teams, who play in the Saracens Herts Cricket League
:: an adult, friendly team playing on Sundays
:: mixed junior teams at Under 11, Under 12, Under 13, Under 15 and Under 17 level and girls cricket

MHVCC also field teams for midweek fixtures.

Like all clubs playing recreational cricket, MHVCC is powered by its volunteers and sponsors. So as well as new players, we are also looking for new volunteers to help with coaching, scoring, umpiring, match-day assistance, bartending, administration and media duties.

Interested in boosting your brand's visibility by sponsoring Mill Hill Village Cricket Club? Visit our dedicated sponsorship page here.

Contact us
If you'd like further information about getting involved as a player, volunteer or sponsor, contact Director of Cricket Philip Smith on 07976 297721 or email

Further reading