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Volunteer for Mill Hill Village's autumn ground work parties

Volunteer for Mill Hill Village's autumn ground work parties

David Hickey25 Sep - 06:55
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Club looking for members to help tidy the grounds and put nets and sight screens away on Sept 28-29 and October 5-6

'We’ve had a great season and everyone needs to put something back in to the club for it to continue.'
- Mill Hill Village Cricket Club Amenities Director

It’s that time of year again - we're looking for volunteers to help put to bed our cricket facilities at the end of a long season.

We'd love for as many volunteers as possible to head to Burtonhole Lane from 10am on Saturday, Sept. 28 and 10am on Sept. 29, even for just a couple of hours, to help tidy up the ground ahead of the start of the football season. More work parties take place on the weekend of Oct. 5-6, again from 10am.

Mill Hill Village Cricket Club Amenities Director Pete Jaffe says: "The season is over but there’s still work to do putting the nets and sight screens away for the winter.

"Work parties are taking place at the club these weekends from 10am. We’ve had a great season and everyone needs to put something back in to the club for it to continue.

"Please come along and help, even for a couple of hours. The club is growing and improving but for this to continue EVERYONE needs to help."

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